
Diabetic Eye Exams

Ophthalmologist & Cataract Specialist located in Kyle, TX

Diabetic Eye Exams

About Diabetic Eye Exams

An estimated 29.7 million Americans have diabetes and are at increased risk for eye disease and vision loss. Spark Eye Care provides personalized diabetic eye exams to identify diabetic retinopathy and other conditions as early as possible. Dr. Plummer creates custom care plans to treat diabetes-related complications before they cause vision changes. Dr. Plummer coordinates care with your diabetes specialist to support your long-term health. Call the Kyle, Texas, office today to schedule a diabetic eye exam or book a consultation online.

Diabetic Eye Exams Q&A

What are diabetic eye exams?

A diabetic eye exam is a specialized, preventive eye health evaluation for individuals with diabetes. The goal of the exam is to identify complications like retina damage that can occur in people with uncontrolled diabetes.

Spark Eye Care offers diabetic eye exams for adult women and men. Dr. Plummer uses the latest diagnostic technologies to identify diabetes-related complications in the earliest stage so you can get the treatment you need.

Why do I need diabetic eye exams?

When Diabetes causes blood sugar levels remain too high for too long, it can cause damage to the blood vessels in the eye (diabetic retinopathy). These vessels can also leak blood that interferes with your vision, possibly leading to blindness.

An additional complication of diabetic retinopathy is diabetic macular edema. This condition describes the swelling of the macula at the center of your retina, which is critical for central vision.

Preventive diabetes eye exams help identify these diabetic-related eye diseases before permanent vision loss occurs.

What happens during a diabetic eye exam?

Diabetic eye exams are similar to standard exams in many ways. Dr. Plummer completes a comprehensive, dilated eye exam focusing on the health of your retina and the blood vessels in your eye.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging test that allows Dr. Plummer to view the details of your retina to identify fluid leaks or thickened blood vessels.

Dr. Plummer discusses any treatments you need to prevent further eye damage. He also works closely with your primary care providers to ensure your diabetes is well-managed to lower your risk for additional eye health changes and vision loss. 

Call Spark Eye Care today to schedule a diabetes eye exam or book an appointment online.